Our aspiration is to have 30 to 55 minute long talks, informed by the goal of accommodating as many of Chris’s friends and colleagues as we can over the course of two days. Please see below for a list of currently confirmed speakers.
Confirmed speakers (so far)
Alexander Atanasov – Harvard University
Bernardo Barbiellini – Lappeenranta University of Technology
Martin Corless – Purdue University
Jiewei Feng – Northeastern University
Christopher A. Fuchs – University of Massachusetts, Boston
Arthur Jaffe – Harvard University
Alain Karma – Northeastern University
Robert McOwen – Northeastern University
Michael Nathanson – Bentley University
Ron Rubin – Rubin Anders
Robert Shorten – Imperial College London
Jonathan Weitsman – Northeastern University
Andreas Winter – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona